Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Critical Race Theory from a Left Wing and Right Wing View

This post will focus on two very different media sources. One is the HuffPost that focuses on serving a left-wing audience. The other is Right Wing News that focuses on serving a right-wing audience. As you can already tell from what audience they are trying to serve, there is much bias on these platforms. Many news outlets cater to certain audiences and to do so, they throw in some bias. If they showed favor or too much of the truth in their articles, their news would not be sought after. Mass media and politics now focus on these tactics so that they can gain a large viewing audience. We will look at how the two websites mentioned view critical race theory. 

Right Wing Views article,  Why Critical Race Theory Should Be Banned from American Schools, on critical race theory does not hold back on its attacking and biases. The article makes claims that critical race theory is harmful to everyone. Critical Race Theory is just as repulsive as white supremacy and that others will think they have special privilege now due to incidents in the past. The Huff Post's article, Daily Show Exposes Conservative Cluelessness About Critical Race Theory, discusses how Right wing supporters don't even know what Critical Race Theory is and use a comedy-focused video in order to go against them.

I felt it was important to use two different news sources on opposite sides of the spectrum to show the bias in news and how it can overshadow the truth. From reviewing them, I did not learn any substantial information. It was just two sides showing their bias in order to spread their messages. That is the point of these news sources. They post news that will allow them to get the engagements and viewers they know will read it and want to read it. Mass media and politics have changed so much now that there is a large influx of outlets that focus on bias being the main fuel for their news articles.

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